Houston Mesothelioma and Asbestos Attorneys

For nearly two decades, Houston, TX mesothelioma lawyers Heard, Robins, Cloud & Black, LLP, have fought for the rights of asbestos victims who have developed the form of cancer known as mesothelioma. Our attorneys represent clients across the country and have a proven track record of recovering damages from those who knowingly exposed victims to asbestos. If you or a loved one has been the victim of asbestos exposure, please contact Heard, Robins, Cloud & Black, LLP, today at (800) 499-1797 to schedule a free consultation.

Our asbestos attorneys specialize exclusively in mesothelioma cases, and we are devoted to serving asbestos victims. Unlike some firms, we do not refer our clients to other attorneys after accepting your case. The lawyers at Heard, Robins, Cloud & Black, LLP will oversee your case from the initial consultation to the final settlement or verdict. Our settlements and verdicts have been covered in such respected publications as:

    The Wall Street Journal
    The New York Times
    The National Law Journal
    The Houston Chronicle

We are passionate about obtaining justice for those whose lives have been forever and irreversibly altered by exposure to asbestos. As experienced mesothelioma attorneys, we understand the details specific to these kinds of cases and do everything possible to protect the rights of our asbestos victims.

Even if you have not been directly exposed to asbestos in the workplace, it is possible to receive indirect exposure when an employee brings asbestos home on his or her clothing. Just like secondhand smoke, so-called take-home asbestos is a real threat to your health and your life.

If you or a loved one has been affected by the devastating effects of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma, you may be able to recover damages from those responsible. There’s not yet a cure for mesothelioma, but monetary compensation can help pay for the treatments needed to improve your quality of life. Please contact Heard, Robins, Cloud & Black, LLP, today at (800) 499-1797 to arrange your complimentary private consultation with one of our Houston mesothelioma attorneys.

A cancer diagnosis can be traumatic for both the victim and their family. Although there are some instances in which identifying the disease will allow the individual to effectively fight it, in some cases, by the time cancer is diagnosed, it has progressed to a point where it is no longer treatable. One of the most dangerous types of cancer is mesothelioma. This cancer develops slowly and unfortunately, does not show symptoms until it has taken root throughout the body.

At Williams Kherkher, we are deeply sympathetic to the pain and frustration that mesothelioma victims and their families experience, and we are committed to providing effective legal representation to individuals who are suffering because of this devastating condition. Contact our Houston mesothelioma lawyers at (888) 380-6376 to schedule a free consultation.

Malignant mesothelioma is a highly lethal cancer caused by even brief or minimal asbestos exposure. Many Americans spent years of their lives working and living in close proximity to asbestos without even realizing the danger that they were being exposed to. There is no cure for mesothelioma, which may appear decades after the asbestos exposure.

Medical science has identified three varieties of mesothelioma, all of which are associated with asbestos exposure. These are:

    Pleural Mesothelioma
    Peritoneal Mesothelioma
    Pericardial Mesothelioma

Typically, mesothelioma attacks the lungs or abdomen. It is thought to be caused by the inhalation or accidental swallowing of tiny asbestos particles in the air. The disease sometimes affects the heart as well, though the causes of this variety of mesothelioma are less clear.

Who Is At Risk?

Anyone who worked with or around asbestos could develop one of the harmful forms of mesothelioma cancer, however, the following workers are more likely to have encountered asbestos in their careers:

    Construction workers
    Contract workers
    Factory employees
    Military personnel
    Railroad workers

Another set of individuals that may face a higher risk of mesothelioma development are veterans. Many military tools, vehicles, and ships used asbestos as a durable construction material and the dedicated men and women that came in contact with asbestos during their military careers may now be showing signs of mesothelioma development. In order to provide these individuals with the information they need about mesothelioma and asbestos exposure, we have put together the following articles:

    Veterans and Mesothelioma
    Asbestos and the Navy

Because asbestos was used so widely and for so long, an incredibly large number of Americans are thought to be at risk. If you feel that you may have been exposed to asbestos or are now experiencing symptoms of mesothelioma, it is important that you consult with a medical professional as soon as possible.

Understanding Mesothelioma
The following information can be used to gain a deeper understanding of how mesothelioma affects the body and what you can do to treat this disease. For further information on any of the following topics, feel free to contact our team at any point:

    Symptoms of Mesothelioma
    Diagnosing Mesothelioma
    Stages of Mesothelioma
    Living with Mesothelioma
    Treatment for Mesothelioma

Besides mesothelioma, asbestos can cause other disorders such as lung cancer and asbestosis. People who develop these conditions have just as much right as mesothelioma victims to take legal action. If you or a loved one suspects that asbestos may have played a role in your condition, contact a Houston mesothelioma attorney right away to discuss your options.


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